Hang out with me.


Maggie Crane is a double Aquarius, a lapsed Catholic, a 34 DD, an organ donor, a bitchloversinnersaint and unfortunately, a Brooklyn based stand up comedian. After moving from the middle of nowhere Massachusetts to a scary windowless basement, she decided to become a comedian and stay in scary basements forever. Maggie regularly features at Clubs, Cabarets, and various dive bars all over New York City. In 2017 and 2018 she featured at High Mud Comedy Festival In North Adams MA and in 2019 she toured all over the U.S with Dan LaMorte on the Infect Me Once tour. She hosts various shows around New York (Soup of the Day, Sacred Heart Middle and High School Talent Show) and borrows her mom's Subaru to do stand-up around the country. Maggie is also a writer (who isn't!) who’s plays have been featured at Dixon Place and The Brick Theatre. Maggie is very funny and very beautiful (also writing this right now!) - but more importantly, punctual and terrified of conflict so book her on your weird ass shows!